The Ukraine Crisis
This page is regularly updated and notes from meetings of local support group are at end of this page
HBTSR has joined in with thousands of other groups and individuals to address the immense humanitarian crisis engulfing the people of Ukraine since Russian forces invaded their country in force on 24 February 2022. We have collected money and goods, sent consignments to Ukraine, urged our political representatives and the UK government to assist, receive and resettle refugees from the war, and are working with the Welsh Government, Powys County Council and other organisations and individuals in the reception of Ukrainian refugees.
HBTSR remains committed to continuing to support all people seeking sanctuary in South Wales no matter where they are from or how they arrived.
April 2024 TWO EVENTS
Great news for all Ukrainians living in Wales and for all friends of Ukraine who support us all! On April 26, for the first time in Great Britain, the American musician of Ukrainian origin Juriy Fedynskyj will come to Wales with just one concert. He is a unique bandurist who plays ancient Ukrainian songs and sings these songs in Ukrainian! Juriy already has concerts all over Great Britain; now he gave concerts in Poland. And before that he was in Ukraine on the front line, supporting our soldiers with his songs! There will be a short break during the concert, during which there will be delicious treats Juriy will bring with him many examples of banduras, which everyone can play during the break! So, we invite you to the concert on April 26 at:
St. David’s Church
Oral History Project. 24th July 2023
Beacons for Ukraine ( was Crickhowell supports Ukraine ) used a PAVO grant to record the voices of Ukrainian guests, hosts, officials and volunteers talking about the history of the year since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
you can read more about this here .
Listen to the voices here It is a great resource documenting a difficult time for some of Powys’s newest residents.
Meeting of Crickhowell supports Ukraine with MP and others notes nov 22
Meeting of Crickhowell supports Ukraine and HBTSRmeeting notes 23rd March
Welcome information for arriving Ukrainian refugees and their hosts
HBTSR has produced Welcome information that we hope will be useful to arriving Ukrainian refugees and their hosts.
You can download this in English here.
HBTSR підготував Welcome Pack з інформацією, корисною для українських біженців та їхніх приймаючих осіб.
Завантажити Пакет українською можна тут.
English Government welcome information here
This site is also helpful
Ukrainian mutual support meetings –
The Muse Brecon Tuesday 4.30-6pm there is a English class for adults run by Jacqui Smith of Brecon College, and a separate class for children run by one of the Ukrainian guests and
Crickhowell Thursday sessions – discontinued Contact: Rhiannon 07940 961006 or Katya: 07392 979619
Powys Council Drop in Sessions
HBTSR has access to some Money raised to help people from Ukraine to settle in south Powys. Please Contact Leanne Bowler for details . [email protected]
There is a Ukrainian WhatsApp group, coordinated by Katya +44 7392 979619 and a WhatsApp group for hosts in the South Powys area coordinated by Leanne, +44 7791 983155.
These WhatsApp groups are ever-growing, and are a valuable source of information and support, particularly for new hosts and guests.
there is a very useful website which can be shared with both Ukrainians and those welcoming them:
Facebook Page:
‘Powys – Ukrainian refugee host support Group’
This is a private group for Powys residents who have registered with the UK Government, Welsh Government or Powys County Council to host Ukrainian nations. It has been set up with access to Councillors, the voluntary sector and professionals who are able to offer support. The aim is to provide a safe environment to share experiences and seek help and guidance.
Plus a Crickhowell Supports Ukraine facebook
A What’s app group for south Powys based hosts-
and a whats’s app group for south Powys Ukrainian guests can be accessed via Maryna / Марина +44 7898 438016
Free to attend daily trauma and resilience meetings online for Ukrainian citizens to give them the opportunity to chat to people experiencing the same things. The sessions are 45 minutes long. The website is
Additional help online and face-to-face psychological support group for teenagers and parents is provided by PORUCH project.
Useful information about trauma and PTSD in English [here, here and here] and in Ukrainian [ here,here and here]
There is a Helpline for Homes for Ukraine Sponsors. Sponsors in Wales can call the free helpline on 0808 175 1508 for advice from 8am to 8pm. Ukrainian nationals and their families who need help and advice can call 0808 164 8810, if they are in the UK or +44 808 164 8810 if they are outside the UK.
For help with benefits, if required, you or your guests can access support from Powys CAB, and also contact the Help To Claim service on 0800 024 1220. Callers will speak to an adviser trained in assisting people to start their Universal Credit claim. The adviser can conference call with translation services too. More Information here
- Whilst awaiting benefits we can make referrals to the foodbank for essentials so please contact us on [email protected] if that would help
* If there are children of school age, you/your guests can access this school link with advice for sponsors:
* The family will be able to register with the local GP. GP’s are aware of Ukrainian arrivals and will carry out an ‘enhanced’ screening check and also provide information about any necessary vaccinations, including Covid 19.
Access to dentistry
- Patients who have an urgent dental problem should phone 111 if they do not have a dentist or the dentist is closed ( eg weekends )
- Adult patients who need an examination should telephone the Community Dental helpline, 01686 252 808 however if they are aware of an obvious dental issue/need then, if they explain this when they ring , the service will be able to arrange an appointment with one of dental practices. If the patient is vulnerable or requires translation services [ eg refugees ] then it will be easier for them to be seen within the community dental service.
- Any children without a dentist can contact the relevant community clinic direct and they will arrange an appointment. useful numbers Builth 01597 826643 Brecon 01874 615640 Newtown 01686 617363 All of the sites should be on the website
- Costs will be determined by exemption status which the patient self declares on the NHS form, but this should not deter refugee patients seeking urgent dental care especially if they have only just arrived .
- Any problems contact either [email protected] Or [email protected]
joint heads of Community Dental services
1. Anyone experiencing severe dental pain etc should ring NHS 111
2. Any child of a refugee/refugee child can access their local Community Dental Service in Powys – there are 4 clinics
3. Any refugee adult who cannot get a NHS dentist (eventually there was agreement today that everyone was in that boat) can call the Powys Dental Helpline and they should be allocated a dentist (details below)
* If Ukrainian adults wish to have help with learning English, please contact any Neath Port Talbot College in Powys or Adult Learning Wales and you will be eligible for free ESOL classes.
For Information or to book on courses in Brecon, Crickhowell & Ystradgynlais areas please contact
any of the contacts below
Jacqui Griffiths – 0330 818 8346 [email protected]
Joanne Howells – 0330 818 8408 [email protected]
Linda Kelly –0330 818 9012 [email protected]
Day & Evening Courses available in Brecon College / Brecon Cwtch / Crickhowell Community Sports
Centre / The Muse Brecon / Crickhowell Evangelical Church Hall / Brecon Job Centre / Crickhowell
Clarence Hall / Ystradgynais area.
This App [SayHi] may be easier to use than Google translate…
ONLINE COURSES FOR younger people
PeppoOnline English conversation sessions to help young refugees (11-18) practice their English and integrate into the UK.
Flash Academy English learning platform for schools –
* Contact PAVO (Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations) who may be able to direct you to additional services to support for the family, including links to community mental health services and Community Connectors.
- Call the Duty Officer, Community Connector Service on 01597 828649 10am – 4pm Monday to Friday
- Email community.connectors(at)
2 schemes have been announced by Welsh government to help refugees and people from Ukraine integrate into Wales.
1 A new Welcome Ticket will provide free bus travel covering the majority of bus services running in Wales and into England where the journey starts or finishes in Wales. This is a pilot scheme that will run to March 2023. Details here
2 Cadw have announced their scheme to offer free individual or family entry to all Cadw sites Further information:
Possible sources of help at Welsh Refugee Council Welsh Refugee council have been funded by Welsh Government to deliver specialist Ukrainian support service which include help with banking, benefit and housing amongst many other matters
Ipad/ Laptop loans to find out more or request an iPad, please contact your local library, call the Library Line on 01874 612394 or email [email protected]
Powys Libraries
Are keen to help
Please draw Ukrainian Library members attention to this free app which provides access to eBooks and eAudio in Ukrainian.
Thousands of free eBooks and audiobooks
In order to provide Ukrainians with a range of free reading, listening, learning and entertainment opportunities, multimedia content provider Odilo launched a free app for both Android and iOS in early April.
Available across Europe, the app includes 3000 e-books and audiobooks in a variety of genres, including 1,700 Ukrainian titles and 500 in English. There is material for both children and adults. Kraal: ‘We hope that everyone – from social workers to host families – will draw the attention of the refugees to this app. To offer them the support, pleasure or comfort of reading, learning and listening in these difficult and uncertain times.”
Links to the app:
- Android:
- iOS:
CARS information in Ukrainian and English
Привезення автомобіля до Уельсу:
Ця інформація для українців, які перебувають в Уельсі під Будинки для України схема.
Якщо ви привезли транспортний засіб до Уельсу, який оподатковується та зареєстрований у вашій країні, вам не потрібно:
- Задекларувати транспортні засоби на митниці
- Сплатіть будь-яке митне мито, або імпорт ПДВ на транспортному засобі.
Це дозволено згідно з правилом «Тимчасовий вхід» (TA).
Відповідно до TA, імпортовані товари або речі не повинні бути змінені (але можуть бути відремонтовані та повинні бути повторно експортовані протягом встановленого часу (зазвичай 6 місяців).
Але українці, які перебувають в Уельсі більше 6 місяців, можуть подати заявку на продовження.
Для цього необхідно:
Електронна пошта [email protected]. Надішліть їм копію свого BRP (біометричного дозволу на проживання) або будь-який інший доказ вашого дозволу залишатися в Уельсі.
Дадуть продовження до 3 років.
( C110 це необов’язкова форма, яка надає підтвердження того, що ваш автомобіль має статус «тимчасового ввезення». Ви можете показати це, якщо вас зупинить на дорогах загального користування поліція чи митник.)
This information is for Ukrainians who are in Wales under the Homes for Ukraine scheme.
If you have brought a vehicle to Wales, and it is taxed and registered in your home country, you do not need to:
- Declare the vehicles to customs, or
- Pay any customs duty, or import VAT on the vehicle.
This allowed under the ‘Temporary Admission (TA)’ procedure.
Under TA, imported goods or belongings must not be altered (but can be repaired). and must be re-exported within a set time (normally 6 months).
But, Ukrainians who are in Wales for more than 6 months can apply for an extension.
To do this you must email [email protected].
Send them a copy of your BRP ( Biometric Residence Permit), or any other evidence of your permission to remain in the Wales.
They will grant an extension up to 3 years.
(The C110 is an optional form which provides evidence that your vehicle ‘temporary import’ status. You can show this if you are stopped on public roads by the police or a customs official.)
There are new dates being added to the website regularly for:
- Introduction to Hosting
- Host Training
- Host Support Workshops
More information can be found here:
There is also a dedicated helpline that can be contacted on 01654 550550:
9-8 – weekdays
9-12 – weekends
or alternatively email [email protected]
Collecting goods (material aid)
We and other groups were overwhelmed initially by the generosity of thousands of families, schools, churches and others who collected and donated clothing and many other items for Ukraine. We were able to ship some of these to Poland. However, the cost and difficulty of transport are immense, and the agencies we work with have great difficulty storing the huge volumes of donated goods. We are not currently collecting more material aid, especially clothes.
Where we identify need for specific items we will ask for them in our email newsletters or on Facebook. Cash donations and collections, however, are always welcome and will be used to help.
A reminder from HBTSR’s Well-being group:
Who: Members of HBTSR are a friendly, welcoming group of volunteers who are happy to offer help and/or support alongside other Agencies
How: To reach out, be available and approachable to displaced individuals and families as well as potential host families
Why: We’re all human beings with a shared humanity endeavouring to care for each other
What: Practical and emotional support, through encouragement and empowerment
We will try to do our best in all circumstances but are all volunteers also coping with everything else that life throws at us.
All images are taken by HBTSR or from websites pertaining to venues and we have verbal consent from all persons portrayed in photos