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HBTSR held a competition for local schools  about ‘ Seeking Sanctuary’  in 2023 to celebrate Refugee week

and  in 2024 another schools competition on the theme of ‘Welcome/Croeso’  .

There has been a very high standard of work in both years and this made the judges work very hard.

Quote from Audience member about 2023 awards evening

            ‘Last year’s entries were extraordinary individually, and profoundly affecting collectively; I was astonished over and again  by their maturity and depth, as well as by the sheer creative talent of their creators. I very much look forward to the event.’

There will be an awards evening at 6.30pm  on 14th June 2024  at St Mary’s church in Brecon and an exhibition of work will be at Theatr Brycheiniog  for several weeks from June 10th.

Competition Awards Poster 2024

2024 Entries can be viewed here.     [please ignore spelling errors in my presentation!]

2024 refugee week  letters competition Welcome /Croeso 

2024 visual competition refugee week 2024

2024 poem  competition refugee week 2024

This is the task the school pupils were set in 2024

HBTSR are grateful to PAVO and Powys County Council for their support in provision of Prize money in 2023 and 2024.


Poster below is  for 2023.