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An amazing day at Craig Y Nos

all ready for arrivals

The  wonderful  collaboration between Criw Craggy, Bannau Brycheiniog  National Parks Authority,Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees and The Big Skill was on show on Saturday 18th May. Warden  Paul had promised good weather and duly delivered it along with Gazebos! Criw Craggy ensured that there was plenty of  good cheer and water available and loaned us two water heaters. The Big Skill represented by Bridget Morgan and Julia Harris set to work drawing, painting and making beautiful  light holders  Claire set up her stall for face painting knowing she was in for  a long day; everyone seems to want a face paint!

Julia and art group in action

Early in the week with a bleak weather forecast and few offers of food  or help , Melrose and I met to discuss contingency plans but as ever the group turned out in force and ensured that there was plenty to eat and drink and lots of time to chat with all guests. Many hands make quick work and the catering team were on top form. Even prospective  parliamentary Labour candidate Matthew Dorrance dropped in to lend a hand.

It was a glorious day and the few drops of rain came just as we needed to start packing up at around 4pm! . Even that didn’t put off young M who was most averse to  leaving and was only mollified by being allowed to see  the dogs  again on the way back to the bus.

the lunch queue

supporters ready to serve

time to chat


We had our wonderful First Choice driver [ in all senses of the words]  Sean who had again found a scenic but quick route to the park from Swansea and arrived just after 11am. A swift toilet break  for all in need and then a walk along the river to the pavilion and gazebos for drinks, biscuits and fruits. Many started with crafts followed quickly by a walk around the site. Badminton and football started almost immediately.

Forager  Adelle took a Turkish lady to scavenge for food and was very impressed to learn a new recipe for using dock leaves from her. The new paths made walking pleasurable and much less muddy.  As the walking group returned ,lunch was ready and a great variety of dips, spreads, salads and breads and delicious cheese straws[* see recipe below]  were rapidly eaten.  Sitting in the sun watching children running and playing the various games Criw Craggy had provided was very relaxing.

part of the guided walk.


Around 3.30 cakes were served,  demolished and any left overs packed up to go to Swansea. It was lovely to celebrate Thanu’s daughters’ birthdays with a special cake. A birthday to remember with over 70 people singing  and cheering.

walking to collect water



Thanks to Criw Craggy- Jackie,Ilona, Anne and Simon,

Bannau Brycheiniog NPA  Hayley, Eleanor and others and to Paul for setting up on Friday.

To The Big Skill Bridget, Julia and Adelle for activities.

to HBTSR supporters, Melrose, Rowland, Val, Lynne, Philip, Lis, Carola, Mike, Sue, Barbara, Reg, Jim, Gaynor, Gillian, Claire, Lawrence, Michael.

and to others who came and joined in.

and especially to our visitors from Swansea and  local Ukrainian friends. The day was made by your enthusiasm and  contributions.

A big thanks also to Will Lloyd of the Co-op for generous support with the bread and milk.

some of the beautiful art work.

Thanks from Swansea.

Amazing day thank you very much

Everything was wonderful.  We really enjoyed!  The people who met us were very friendly and kind.  The food was delicious!  We’ll be happy to come back again.  Thanks to everyone who organized this event!
We had a great time, thank you.  Very beautiful place, delicious food and wonderful people.  We will definitely come again.  Thank you very much.
Thank you very much, It was a wonderful trip, we enjoyed too much and it was a very special day for kids after a long time.
Hope you don’t forget us for the next trip.
Hi Thanu,
Many thanks for this wonderful trip .Grateful for the great chance to discover the beauty of nature and to enjoy the sunny weather. Looking forward to visiting other nice places.

*RECIPE for Rowland’s Cheese Straws,

Equal quantities of butter/margarine, flour, grated cheese and breadcrumbs. Rub the flour into the butter, then mix in the cheese and breadcrumbs. Add a pinch or two of cayenne, salt and any other spices or herbs you want. Then add just enough water to make the dough stick together. Roll it out, cut it into straws/fingers, and bake at 190 degrees for about 12 minutes, till crisp.


discussing the view and debating if the topiary was a snail, a slug, a frog or a bear- apparently it was Brian from the magic Roundabout!