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People power – if citizens work together they can change government’s plans. Examples include the resettlement programme and the acceptance of some unaccompanied refugee children.


Asylum Matters – regular newsletters with petitions and campaigns



For those at risk of detention, especially those reporting, both Action Against Detention and Deportation and Care for Calais have created information leaflets to be given out. AADD has a list of numbers people can call and Care For Calais has their hotline and information about the Rwanda/Notice of Intent letters in different languages. Right to Remain’s toolkit has a section on being prepared in case of detention.

Right to Remain has also updated its briefing on Rwanda which provides an excellent overview of the plan, who is at risk and steps people can take, this will continue to be updated. There is also a blog on Immigration Raids which covers what rights people have and what you can do if you witness a raid taking place. JCWI have created a one page explainer of the Rwanda Act

This is from City of Sanctuary. Information about what to  do if you or a friend are detained and threatened with deportation.