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Talgarth Sports and welcome day at Ysgol Y Mynydd Du on Sunday 15th September.


When a whole community pulls together to offer a sporting day out to people less fortunate than themselves then one knows that this will be a magnificent day of fun, laughter and community cohesion and inclusion.. This was forecast by  Councillor William Powell  who wrote in August ‘No two years of the HBTS4R Welcome Day in Talgarth have been identical, but they have always been special. I know that Jacqui has been very busy developing plans with Bronllys Wellbeing Park colleagues. It is great too that Ysgol y Mynydd Du has been secured for the day, especially given the facilities it offers, insulating us to a good degree against less favourable weather and with ample, secure parking. I was pleased to join the tennis court working party that Gareth convened last weekend, making them usable, if needed, on 15th September. Also, as Gareth has said, It may well be of interest for our visitors to enjoy the Ladies match against the Abertillery Belles!’

Following the event William commented further : ‘Again this year, the Refugee Welcome Day was one of the richest events in our Talgarth calendar. As a Governor, it was incredibly special to see the School Community of Ysgol y Mynydd Du at its heart, as well as the support of Black Mountains College students.Global citizenship is vital to both – and I am delighted that our school is committed to being a School of Sanctuary, with enthusiastic support from pupils, staff and parents.’


On the day the weather was good, the sports fun and the food plentiful and delicious.

this Writing and the photos are from William Powell and the Talgarth and District Regeneration Group


It was marvellous to have Talgarth town Mayor Louise Elston-Reeves, County Councillor William Powell, Head Teacher Tara Morgan, Deputy head Dee Foster and  other staff , pupils and parents helping throughout the day . Black Mountains College was well represented by Amanda, Forrest, Kit and Roman who took over the responsibility for hot drinks and also managed to help with washing up and putting the school back together. Bronllys Well being Park’s, Jacqui, Valmai, Chrissie, Helen and Alva had done sterling work in arranging so many sporting opportunities ably supported by Nicola Jones Sports Development officer, Brecon Boxing Club, Talgarth Cricket Club, Talgarth Badminton club, Gwernyfed Rugby Club and Talgarth Town Football club. Talgarth and District Regeneration group were instrumental in arranging for ice-cream and in general support of the day.  Glasbury WI members , Talgarth  Tuesday Luncheon group and Grow for Talgarth all had input especially in ensuring that cake was available in large quantities. Local businesses:- Claire’s Wholefoods, Talgarth Coop, Pobl Bakery, Parry’s Ice creams, WJ George’s Butchers and the Honey Cafe were also supportive in providing food.   Members of Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees turned up in droves to ensure that everybody was welcomed, fed, watered and had fun. Two  PCSOs, Vicky and Chloe, came, chatted to people and joined in. PCSO VIcky who had grown up nearby, enjoyed trying out boxing. Their enthusiasm and friendliness added to the experience of the day especially for people whose knowledge of policing is not based upon concepts of helpfulness and support.













WE can see that a busy Mayor is everywhere!


The sports were opened at 10am by Mayor Louise Elston-Reeves who also delivered  a short message of welcome when the bus from Swansea arrived at 11.45 to let everyone know that they were assured of friendship and enjoyment and outlined what was available.  She said It is my great pleasure and honour to welcome all of you to todays ‘ Welcome’ Day and sports day. Before we begin, I would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the dedicated organisers of this event, BWBP and HBTSR. Also to the school our hosts. Today we are here to celebrate the spirit of participation and respect within sport. Sport is much more than a game. It is a force that can unite, overcome differences and foster a sense of community. It unites us and can build bridges .
In conclusion myself and Talgarth community thank you for being here today. Your support and participation will make this event special. ‘

After drinks, fruit and biscuits , expertly served by Year six pupils, people explored the school grounds and tried out the climbing wall, Archery, Tennis, Football,Cricket, Rugby, Volleyball, Boxing, Netball, Badminton and a Hobby horse show jumping event. Face-painting was as always popular . A trip to St Gwendoline’s church which had been arranged by Carol with the Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Guild of Bellringers was a popular walk and much enjoyed.  Several people said they’d never thought that they’d be able to try ringing bells and all enjoyed walking up the tower.

Valmai with one of the many beautiful signs made by Virginia

Rachel with Lavender for making lavender bags

who’s hiding here?

this Hobby horse gymkhana looked like great fun and people who competed were given medals!

Just before the constant queue started…































A walk to watch Talgarth Town  Ladies team playing football was also much enjoyed and gave children additional play equipment to test out before returning to school for tea, cakes and ice-creams. Andrew the Coach Driver waited patiently until everyone had said final farewells before returning to Swansea.

Cllr William Powell, County Councillor for Talgarth and Vice Chair of Powys County Council, said: ‘Again this year, the Refugee Welcome Day was one of the richest events in our Talgarth calendar.’ ‘As a Governor, it was incredibly special to see the School Community of Ysgol y Mynydd Du at its heart, as well as the support of Black Mountains College students.’ ‘Global citizenship is vital to both – and I am delighted that our school is committed to being a School of Sanctuary, with enthusiastic support from pupils, staff and parents.’

William serves Adil with Ice cream watched By Mayor Louise

George says He’s smiling inside as well as outside after such a good day out.




‘The Bookseller of Talgarth’?












And on top of all this, we were able to distribute over 30 of our Only Connect Books and were given £66 in donations and we drew the raffle!.



In the Tower- photo by William Powell


Its always hard to put into words the general feeling of joy and happiness but some of the messages below capture the essence of the day.


* We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who made the Welcome Day for asylum seekers and refugees in Talgarth such a memorable event. A special thank you goes to Talgarth Primary School for generously hosting the day and creating a warm and welcoming environment for our guests. We are especially thankful to the headteacher, staff, schoolchildren and their parents, the mayor and councillors from Talgarth Town Council, and all the dedicated volunteers from the Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees, for their hard work in organising the day. Your efforts brought the community together and created a wonderful atmosphere of support and friendship. To everyone who provided the delicious food and hospitality, your generosity made everyone feel at home, and we truly appreciate the care and time you gave. It was also heartwarming to see so many supporters join us, especially the schoolchildren who played and took part in activities with our guests from Swansea, building connections and spreading joy throughout the day. A special thanks to the school staff and volunteers for giving up their Sunday to help make this event possible. By doing so, you set an excellent example for the younger generation, teaching them the importance of kindness and community. We cannot forget the friendly bus driver who took us to the venue and back. The day was filled with fun and energy, with participants enjoying every activity, from the climbing wall to archery. The enthusiasm was infectious, and everyone is already looking forward to future events like this. Thank you once again to everyone who contributed to making this day such a success!


* Good evening! Today was a very interesting trip! There was a lot of physical activity (so that we didn’t have time to shoot a bow, we will definitely make up for it next time). We met a group that rings bells. We were very interested in trying for ourselves. And we did it! Special love – lavender pillows, which we made with our own hands! Many thanks to the organizers!

* Thank you, it was amazing and a great time. Can’t wait to visit again.

*We were very pleased, the people were very hospitable and very generous, for us it was a very pleasant trip. Thank you for everything.

*very nice, we are endlessly pleased We had a very good trip, thank you very much
*To me it was fabulous. I could speak with others and it was helpful. The food was delicious. And a very nice place. Thank you very much to the people behind providing support for keeping these activities up. Thank you.
*I would like to thank the wonderful team for this sports day. The activities were interesting and we tried to play everything 🙂 We had a busy day and we were left with many impressions! It was very nice to meet new people, who were especially welcoming. I wish you all the best!
*My family and I enjoyed the trip, the games were great and above all the volunteers are great, the comfort was very nice, everything was great.
*Good morning, Thanu. Thank you very much to those who organized yesterday’s event. We all really enjoyed it. We all felt very needed and important yesterday. I really love such meetings. It is very difficult to remain so humane and responsive in these difficult times..
*Thank you to the organisers for this trip. Incredible nature, a wonderful playground. Climbing and archery are a joy! My child loved the ice cream) We made a lavender pillow as a memento of this wonderful day. A great day with great people. Thank you.
*Just to say thanks for suggesting this, it was great and really nice to have everyone along! One of our ringers from Gorseinon (Max Muzyka) came along to the sports day with his family – he turned up at the church while we were ringing after the main group had gone.
*firstly thank you for your invitation.  We had such a warm, friendly  welcome not only from yourselves but from the families as well.
Having the opportunity to spend time with the families and children was amazing.
Your charity gives stress free days and hope to many which I’m sure they look forward to every time.
*Hi, Thank you for organising such a wonderful trip. There was a great selection of sports activities and a delicious lunch. It was also a fantastic opportunity to meet new people.


Please convey our thanks (BWBP team)to all of the HBT refugee team, what a great opportunity for us to be part of a very successful, well organised event.
It is special to be able to offer some support and kindness to those affected by such trauma and the HBT team are amazing at doing that!
*The whole day was very impressive and well organised. It was a privilege to meet our visitors and the volunteers who work so hard to ease their plight.
I enjoyed catching up with so many people I haven’t seen for ages and meeting new arrivals to the area
*Thank you all for what seemed like a very successful day. The archery and climbing were great fun to try and the food was delicious.

saying goodbye!

This event was the culmination of many people’s planning, participation and enthusiasm. It could not have happened without the collaboration between  Bronllys Wellbeing Park, Talgarth  and District Regeneration group, Ysgol Y Mynydd Du staff, pupils and parents, Talgarth Town Football Club, Gwernyfed Rugby Club, Black Mountains College, Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Guild of Bell ringers, local businesses and community groups , HBTSR and many supportive people . . Especial thanks to Carol Hoskins, Jacqui Wilding, Virginia Brown, William Powell, Melrose East and Lynne Oliver.


B) Talgarth Sports 2024 Save the Date Poster