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Bread making in Newport Sanctuary

Some months ago HBTSR agreed to help Newport Sanctuary drop in centre  refurbish their kitchen. The fire at the next door church  last year meant that the Newport Gap Sanctuary now  shares the space with the church and the previous plan of redeveloping the drop in centre within the church has been shelved for the foreseeable future. Hence the need to have a new kitchen so that the regular meals for upwards of 40 people could be provided more easily and meet hygiene requirements. In the autumn the hard work paid off when they were awarded a 5 star food hygiene rating.When we discussed the kitchen, we offered to buy a flatbread oven  so different breads and pizza could be provided and participants could have the fun of making some  breads from their own cultures. Roccbox portable oven by Gozney was offered  at a discount to Alex as a favour by the manufacturer and was received with gratitude. Alex uses his own Roccbox regularly on our respite days and people seem very pleased to make their own fresh bread to go with their food.

beautiful new dining area-photo from The Sanctuary

On Monday at the end of March, Alex and Ailsa visited to meet with Claire and Amir to discuss bread making and to commission the  oven for the first time. Alex brought dough and some delicious tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. He, Claire and Amir spent time putting the oven together, making some new dough and using the ready made dough. Ailsa wandered around trying to look useful and tasting the various products – that was a very easy job! We all appreciated having a professional baker taking time to share his skills.

It turned out that Amir has made pizza before so he, Claire and Alex discussed the finer points.  Ailsa watched the oven heating up and wondered whether it would trigger the fire alarms. It didn’t and we were right underneath one! The cooks started to work and as the smell of baking filled the room, drifting into the corridors, people began to appear. Flatbread, pitta breads and pizza were rapidly made. Alex shared how he has often made enough flatbread for 100 people within ninety minutes especially when he has had help with the rolling out of the dough. The supply just about kept up with demand upon this occasion too and we all had a delicious lunch.

Since our visit, we have heard that the oven has been used a number of times and is providing great enjoyment. Thanks Roccbox and Alex!